How to Eat Healthy to Help Prevent Breast Cancer

Breast cancer prevention factors into most of Sasha Brown’s eating decisions. The 30-year-old mother of two from Somerville, Massachusetts, lost her mother to breast cancer when she was a child, so keeping up with current research and tailoring her lifestyle to match the latest medical recommendations on breast cancer prevention is part of her effort to stay cancer-free.

“I try to stay away from red meat, I drink a lot of green tea, and I eat a fairly low-fat, high-fiber diet,” says Brown, who is also an avid runner. For Brown, focusing on her health is as much about her family as it is about her. “My mom died when she was 45 and my sister and I were just children. I definitely feel a responsibility to my very young kids to stay alive and healthy.”

Understanding Research on Breast Cancer Prevention
Much of what Brown is doing to try and stave off breast cancer is supported by research, says Everyday Health cancer expert Martee L. Hensley, MD. “In general, the things that seem to be protective are lower consumption of alcohol, lower body weight, and eating a healthy diet,” says Dr. Hensley, who is an associate attending physician in gynecologic medical oncology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. “It’s not as simple as saying that one food is going to be the single thing to prevent breast cancer.”

One reason it can be difficult to pin down foods that may help or hurt is because of the way the research is conducted, Hensley says. She explains that in most of these studies, researchers talk to a large number of people — including some who have cancer and some who do not. Study participants are asked about their diet and lifestyle, and researchers then attempt to make connections based on the answers. “The best you can do is try to draw an association between the questions you asked and the outcome,” she says. “But you just can’t know how those associations might be confounded by things you didn’t ask about.”

Nonetheless, scientists now believe that there are some foods that seem to be correlated with a higher incidence of breast cancer and, conversely, there are others that may have protective properties against breast cancer. 

Breast Cancer Prevention: Foods to Avoid
“The number-one thing to start with when trying to prevent any cancer is eating a good, healthy diet,” says Lynne Eldridge, MD, author of Avoiding Cancer One Day at a Time (Beaver’s Pond Press, 2006). And by healthy diet, Dr. Eldridge says she does not mean the usual American fare that is full of processed foods and red meats and low in fresh fruits and vegetables. “A study came out last year showing that if Chinese women go from their vegetable- and soy-based diet to our Western diet, their risk for breast cancer goes up 60 percent,” she notes.

Foods that may be directly correlated with a higher incidence of breast cancer and other cancers include:

  * Fried starchy foods. The chemical compound acrylamide, a known carcinogen, forms when starchy foods are heated. Eldridge explains that acrylamide is used in materials like grout and wastewater treatment, and it’s also found in small amounts in potato chips, french fries, and other starchy foods cooked at the high temperatures used for frying. (Boiling the starches has not been found to produce acrylamide.) A 2005 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found no correlation between the amount of acrylamide consumed and the risk of breast cancer in over 40,000 Swedish women. However, another article in the May 2008 International Cancer Journal, which measured acrylamide levels in the blood, did find a positive correlation between acrylamide and estrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
  * Red meat. If you occasionally enjoy a steak or hamburger, you don’t really have to worry about the connection between red meat and breast cancer, Eldridge says. But if you eat it on a daily or almost-daily basis, cutting back may reduce your risk. “It’s the daily intake of red meat that’s been linked to breast cancer, so just eat a little wiser,” she says.
  * Artificial sweeteners. The connection between artificial sweeteners, like aspartame, and cancer is controversial, but Eldridge says it’s probably a good idea to avoid it since there are other sweetening alternatives available. “It can’t hurt to practice the precautionary principle and avoid aspartame until we know more,” she notes. “The natural sweetener stevia is an acceptable alternative if sugar is an issue.” Although stevia isn’t approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use as a food additive, it is sold (in packets and other forms) as a dietary supplement.
  * Grapefruit. Research here is mixed. A study published in the British Journal of Cancer in 2007 found a 30 percent higher risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women who ate about a quarter of a grapefruit per day. It’s theorized that grapefruit blocks an enzyme in the liver and small intestine (which processes estrogen), thereby raising serum estrogen levels and increasing the risk of breast cancer. However, another study published more recently in the same journal found no connection between eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice and breast cancer. If you’re concerned, try limiting your intake of grapefruit.

Breast Cancer Prevention: Foods to Embrace
Eldridge is a big proponent of a “Mediterranean diet” that is low in red meat and higher in fish, fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats and oils. Studies have shown that this type of diet may help protect against a number of health conditions, including heart disease and cancer. Beyond just going Mediterranean, however, Eldridge says there are specific foods that may offer protection against breast cancer:

  * Vegetables. Chomp on cruciferous vegetables to lower your risk of breast cancer, says Eldridge. You will need to eat a lot, though, to see any benefit — about a head of broccoli or cauliflower a day. If that doesn’t sound too appetizing, consider trying radishes. Eldridge says as far as cancer prevention is concerned, one radish equals about half a head of broccoli. And one of her favorite breast cancer–fighting vegetables is kale, which she enjoys often in soybean-based miso soup.
  * Green tea. While the jury is still out on green tea, Eldridge says all signs point to it being a powerful weapon against cancer. Scientists theorize this may be due to the presence of various antioxidant chemicals called polyphenols, and specifically to a very potent one called EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate). The National Cancer Institute is currently studying the therapeutic benefits of green tea, Eldridge says, and she believes it should also be in any diet focused on breast cancer prevention.
  * Apples. Eating more fruits is a good rule of thumb for cancer prevention in general, but Eldridge says fresh apples may be protective against breast cancer in particular. She says whole apples and apple cider made from whole apples are best, since the apple skin contains a cancer-fighting phytochemical, a flavonoid called quercetin. “It looks like an apple a day may indeed keep the oncologist away,” Eldridge jokes.
  * Pomegranates. Gaining in mainstream popularity, this deep red “superfruit” is now available seasonally at most supermarkets, which is good news for women eating to keep breast cancer at bay. Based on laboratory studies, pomegranates, which are also rich in polyphenols, may potentially prevent breast cancer, Eldridge says — and they’re a great choice for survivors as well. “Pomegranates help prevent angiogenesis, which is the formation of new blood vessels that cancers need to be able to spread,” she says.

Breast Cancer Prevention: The Role of Soy
The question of whether or not to eat soy is a tough one for women looking to avoid breast cancer. Some studies show it can have a preventive effect, while others show it may actually help breast cancer spread.

The initial idea that soy may have protective properties came from data that showed that women from Asian countries, where soy is a regular part of the diet, had lower incidences of breast cancer. According to Hensley, some scientists have theorized that soy, since it is a good source of estrogen, may suppress the body’s own estrogen production and offer breast cancer protection. “But the opposite may be true,” Hensley explains. “Soy may also be a source of estrogen replacement, so to speak, so we caution women who have had breast cancer not to replace most of the protein and dairy in their diet with soy.”

The Bottom Line on Breast Cancer Prevention
While it’s a good idea to add the good foods and cut out the bad, the best way to help decrease your risk of developing breast cancer is make choices that boost good overall health. “These foods may be helpful, but the key is to really commit to living a healthy lifestyle,” Hensley says. “That’s what gives us our best odds.”


By Alyson McNutt English

Provided by ArmMed Media