Pregnancy Calendar - Week 2

Despite the fact that it is counted as part of pregnancy, you are not 2 weeks pregnant at this point. You haven’t even ovulated yet! At the end of this week, though, the egg will be released into the fallopian tube. As the egg divides, your uterine lining and your body start to secrete follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) which stimulates an egg to mature. Now that you are at the midpoint of your menstrual cycle - if you have a regular 28-day cycle - you are ovulating and you’re most likely to conceive. If you have sexual intercourse without protection during this week, you can become pregnant.

During this week, the fertilized egg goes through a process of division from one cell to two cells to four cells and more. By the time it gets to the uterus, this group of cells numbers 32 and is called a morula. And at just one week after fertilization, there are already 250 cells! Read up on the fascinating suject of the reproductive process.

Week 2
Because you are now at the midpoint of your mestrual cycle (assuming you have a regular 28-day cycle), you are now ovulating and therfore are most likely to conceive. The egg has been released into the fallopian tube, and is ready for the taking. If you have sexual intercourse without protection during this week, you can become pregnant. After your partner ejaculates, millions of sperm travel from the vagina to the fallopian tube, where your egg is waiting. An enzyme is released that allows one sperm to penetrate the egg, and fertilization takes place. During fertilization, the genetic material of the sperm and the egg are combined. You are now pregnant, although your body is not yet letting you know that you are.

Since fertilization has occurred this week, your baby’s sex is already determined. Depending on whether the father’s sex chromosome is an X or Y, your child will be a girl or a boy, respectively. During the second week, the fertilized egg goes through a process of division from one cell to two cells to four cells, etc. By the time it gets to the uterus, this group of cells numbers 32 and is called a morula. One week after fertilization, there are 250 cells. As the egg divides, your body and uterine lining secrete follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which stimulates an egg to mature.

Provided by ArmMed Media
Revision date: June 11, 2011
Last revised: by Sebastian Scheller, MD, ScD