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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ P ]
- PGP/MIME pretty good privacy/multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
- PGPV pigeonpox virus
- PGR progesterone receptor; psychogalvanic response
- PgR progesterone receptor
- PGS peristent gross splenomegaly; Pettigrew syndrome; plant growth substance; polar grid system; postsurgical gastroparesis syndrome; primary generalized seizures; prostaglandin synthetase
- PGSI prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor
- PGSR phosphogalvanic skin response
- PGT preimplantation genetic testing
- PGTR plasma glucose tolerance rate
- PGTT prednisolone glucose tolerance test
- PGU peripheral glucose uptake; postgonococcal urethritis
- PGUT phosphogalactose uridyl transferase
- PGV proximal gastric vagotomy
- PGVS postganglionic vagal stimulation
- PGWB psychological general well-being [index]
- PGX prostacyclin
- PGY postgraduate year
- PGYE peptone, glucose yeast extract
- PH Pallister-Hall [syndrome]; papillary hyperplasia; parathyroid hormone; partial hepatectomy; partial hysterectomy; passive hemagglutination; past history; patient's history; persistent hepatitis; personal history; pharmacopeia; pharmacy, pharmacist, pharmaceutical; physical history; porphyria hepatica; posterior heel; posterior hypothalamus; prehospital; previous history; primary hyperoxaluria; primary hyperparathyroidism; prostatic hypertrophy; pseudohermaphroditism; public health; pulmonary hypertension; pulmonary hypoplasia
- PH1 primary hyperoxaluria type 1
- Ph phantom; pharmacopeia; phenyl; Philadelphia [chromosome]; phosphate
- Ph1 Philadelphia chromosome
- pH hydrogen ion concentration
- pH1 isoelectric point
- ph phial; phot
- PHA passive hemagglutination assay; peripheral hyperalimentation; phenylalanine; phytohemagglutinin; phytohemagglutinin antigen; pseudohypoaldosteronism; public health agency; Public Health Association; pulse-height analyzer
- pHA arterial blood hydrogen tension
- pHa arterial hydrogen ion concentration
- PHAC phaclofen
- PhAdV pheasant adenovirus
- PHAF peripheral hyperalimentation formula
- PHAH polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbon
- PHAL phytohemagglutinin-stimulated lymphocyte
- phal phalangeal
- PHA-LCM phytohemagglutinin-stimulated leukocyte conditioned medium
- PHA-NSP passive hemagglutination to nonstructural protein
- PHAP phytohemagglutinin protein
- PHAR pharmacologic substance [UMLS]
- phar pharmaceutical; pharmacy; pharynx
- Phar C pharmaceutical chemist
- PHARM Pharmacist in Heart Failure: Assessment, Recommendation and Monitoring [study]
- Pharm pharmacy
- pharm pharmacist; pharmacology; pharmacopeia; pharmacy
- Pharm B Bachelor of Pharmacy [Lat. Pharmaciae Baccalaureus]
- Pharm D Doctor of Pharmacy [Lat. Pharmaciae Doctor]
- Pharm M Master of Pharmacy [Lat. Pharmaciae Magister]
- PHASE prehospital arrest survival evaluation
- PHAVER pterygia-heart defects-autosomal recessive inheritance-vertebral defects-ear anomalies-radial defects [syndrome]
- PHB polyhydroxybutyrate; preventive health behavior; prohibitin
- PhB, Phb Pharmacopoeia Britannica
- PHBB propylhydroxybenzyl benzimidazole
- PHBQ Physicians' Humanistic Behaviors Questionnaire
- PHC personal health costs; posthospital care; premolar hypodontia, hyperhidrosis, [premature] canities [syndrome]; primary health care; Primary Healthcare Center [Sweden]; primary hepatic carcinoma; proliferative helper cell; public health center
- PhC pharmaceutical chemist
- Ph1c Philadelphia chromosome
- PHCC primary hepatocellular carcinoma
- PHCDM public health computational data model
- PHCP prehospital care provider
- PHD pathological habit disorder; personal health data; post-heparin plasma diamine oxidase; potentially harmful drug
- PhD Doctor of Pharmacy [Lat. Pharmaciae Doctor]; Doctor of Philosophy [Lat. Philosophiae Doctor]
- PHE periodic health examination; phenylephrine
- Phe phenylalanine
- PhEEM photoemission electron microscopy
- PHEI prevention and health evaluation informatics
- pHEMA polyhydroxyethyl methacrylate
- PHEN phenomenon or process [UMLS]
- Phen phentermine
- Pheo pheochromocytoma; pheophytin
- PhEur Pharmacopeia Europaea
- Ph. Eur. U. European Pharmacopoeia unit
- PHEX phosphate-regulating gene with homologies to endopeptidase on X chromosome
- PHF paired helical filament; personal hygiene facility
- PHFB psyllium husk fiber bar
- PHFG primary human fetal glia
- PhG Graduate in Pharmacy; Pharmacopoeia Germanica
- phgly phenylglycine
- PHHI persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of infancy
- PHHP Pawtucket Heart Health Program
- PhHV phalacrocoracid herpesvirus
- PHI passive hemagglutination inhibition; past history of illness; Personalized Healthcare Information [Internet-based, Malaysia]; personalized health information; phosphine; phosphohexose isomerase; physiological hyaluronidase inhibitor; prehospital index
- PhI Pharmacopoeia Internationalis
- Phi Partnership in Health Information [UK]
- pHi intracellular hydrogen ion concentration; intramucosal hydrogen ion concentration
- φ Greek letter phi; magnetic flux; osmotic coefficient
- PHI-BLST pattern hit initiated basic local alignment search tool
- PHICOG Philadelphia Cooperative Group
- PHIDIAS laser photopolymerisation models based on medical imaging, a development improving the accuracy of surgery
- PHIDS Personalized Healthcare Information Delivery System [telemedicine]
- PHIHM prehospital invasive hemodynamic monitoring
- PHIM posthypoxic intention myoclonus
- PHIS personal health information seeking
- PhIS pharmacy information system
- PHK phosphohexokinase; phosphorylase kinase; postmortem human kidney
- PHKA phosphorylase kinase, alpha
- PHKB phosphorylase kinase, beta
- PHKD phosphorylase kinase, delta
- PHKG phosphorylase kinase, gamma
- PHL public health laboratory
- PHLA postheparin lipolytic activity
- PHLOP polymerase-halt-mediated linkage of primers
- PHLS Public Health Laboratory Service [UK]
- PHM peptide histidine methionine; peptidylglycine alpha-hydroxylating monooxygenase; posterior hyaloid membrane; pulmonary hyaline membrane
- PhM Master of Pharmacy [Lat. Pharmaciae Magister]; pharyngeal muscle
- PhmG Graduate in Pharmacy
- PHN paroxysmal noctural hemoglobinuria; passive Heymann nephritis; postherpetic neuralgia; primary healthcare nurse [Australia]; proximal humeral nail; public health nursing, public health nurse
- PHO physician-hospital organization
- PH2O partial pressure of water vapor
- PHOCUS Primary Health-Oriented Computer Users' System
- PhoHV phocid herpesvirus
- phos phosphate
- PHOX paired mesoderm homeobox [gene]
- PHP panhypopituitarism; postheparin phospholipase; prehospital program; prepaid health plan; primary hyperparathyroidism; pseudohypoparathyroidism; psychological health profile
- PHPA passive hemolytic plaque assay; p-hydroxyphenylacetate
- PHPLA p-hydroxyphenyllactic acid
- pHPPA p-hydrophenylpyruvic acid
- p-HPPO p-hydroxyphenyl pyruvate oxidase
- PHPT primary hyperparathyroidism; pseudohypoparathyroidism
- pHPT primary hyperparathyroidism
- PHPV persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous
- PHR parent-held record; peak heart rate; photoreactivity
- PHS Partial Hospitalization System; Personal Handphone System [telemedicine]; phenylalanine hydrolase stimulator system; Physicians' Health Study; pooled human serum; posthypnotic suggestion; pseudoprogeria-Hallermann-Streiff [syndrome]; Public Health Service
- PHSC pleuripotent hemopoietic stem cell; powdered human stratum corneum
- PHS-LAN Personal Handphone System-Local Area Network
- PHS-PC Personal Handphone System-Personal Computer
- pH-stat apparatus for maintaining the pH of a solution
- PHT peak height of tension; phenytoin; portal hypertension; pressure half-time; primary hyperthyroidism; pulmonary hypertension
- PhTD Doctor of Physical Therapy
- PHTLS prehospital trauma life support
- PHTN pulmonary hypertension
- PHU population health unit
- PHV peak height velocity; perch hyperplasia virus; Prospect Hill virus
- PHX pulmonary histiocytosis X
- Phx past history; pharynx
- PHY pharyngitis; physical; physiology
- PHYLLIS Plaque Hypertension Lipid-Lowering Italian Study
- PHYS physiologic function [UMLS]; physiology
- PhyS physiologic saline [solution]
- phys physical; physician
- Phys Ed physical education
- physio physiology; physiotherapy
- Phys Med physical medicine
- PHYS-SPEC physician's specialty
- PhysPRC Physician's Payment Review Commission
- Phys Ther physical therapist or therapy
- PHZ phenylhydrazine
- PI class I protein; first meiotic prophase; isoelectric point; pacing impulse; package insert; pain intensity; pancreatic insufficiency; parainfluenza; pars intermedia; patient's interest; performance indicator or index; performance intensity; perinatal injury; periodontal index; permeability index; personal injury; personality inventory; phagocytic index; Pharmacopoeia Internationalis; phosphatidylinositol; physically impaired; physiologic index; pineal body; plaque index; plasmin inhibitor; pneumatosis intestinalis; poison ivy; ponderal index; postictal immobility; postinfection; postinfluenza; postinjury; postinoculation; preinduction [examination]; premature infant; prematurity index; preparatory interval; prescribing information; present illness; primary infarction; primary infection; principal investigator; processor interface; product information; proinsulin; prolactin inhibitor; propidium iodide; proportional plus integral; protamine insulin; protease inhibitor; proximal intestine; pulmonary incompetence; pulmonary index; pulmonary infarction; pulsatility index
- PI inspiratory pressure
- P&I pneumonia and influenza
- Pi inorganic phosphate; parental generation; pressure in inspiration; protease inhibitor
- Pi inorganic phosphate
- pI isoelectric point
- p-I postinspiratory
- pi post-injection
- Π Greek capital letter pi
- π Greek lowercase letter pi; the ratio of circumference to diameter, 3.1415926536
- PIA photoelectric intravenous angiography; plasma insulin activity; preinfarction angina; Psychiatric Institute of America; R-phenylisopropyladenosine
- PiAdV pigeon adenovirus
- PIAF pharmacologic intervention in atrial fibrillation; prognosis in atrial fibrillation
- PIAT Peabody Individual Achievement Test
- PIAV Picola virus
- PIAVA polydactyly-imperforate anus-vertebral anomalies [syndrome]
- PIB periinfarction block
- PIBC percutaneous intraaortic balloon counterpulsation [catheter]
- PIBIDS, PIBI(D)S photosensitivity-ichthyosis-brittle hair-impaired intelligence-(possibly decreased fertility)-short stature syndrome
- PIC pacing in cardiomyopathy; peripherally-inserted indwelling central catheter; Personality Inventory for Children; polymorphism information content; pre-initiation complex [RNA transcription]; pre-injury condition; prior informed consent
- PICA percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty; Porch Index of Communicative Abilities; posterior inferior cerebellar artery; posterior inferior communicating artery
- PICC percutaneous indwelling central venous catheter; peripherally inserted central catheter
- PICD primary irritant contact dermatitis
- PICFS postinfective chronic fatigue syndrome
- PICNIC Pediatric Investigators Collaborative Network on Infections in Canada
- PICO Pimobendan in Congestive Heart Failure [study]; population, intervention, comparison and outcome
- PiCO2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide in air
- PICS Pacing in Cardiomyopathy Study
- PICSO pressure-controlled intermittent coronary sinus occlusion
- PICSS Patent Foramen Ovale in Cryptogenic Stroke Study
- PICTURE Post-intracoronary Treatment Ultrasound Results Evaluation [study]
- PICU pediatric intensive care unit; pulmonary intensive care unit
- PICV Pichinde virus
- PiCV pigeon circovirus
- PID pain intensity difference [score]; patient identification; patient identity; pelvic inflammatory disease; photoionization detector; picture image directory; plasma iron disappearance; postinertia dyskinesia; preimplantation diagnosis; prolapsed/protruded intervertebral disk; proportional integral derivative; proportional integral-differential control
- PIDRA portable insulin dosage regulating apparatus
- PIDS patient identification service; primary immunodeficiency syndrome
- PIDT plasma iron disappearance time
- PIE postinfectious encephalomyelitis; preimplantation embryo; prosthetic infectious endocarditis; pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia; pulmonary interstitial emphysema
- PIF paratoid isoelectric focusing variant protein; peak inspiratory flow; photoinhibition factor; proinsulin-free; prolactin-inhibiting factor; prolactin release-inhibiting factor; proliferation-inhibiting factor; prostatic interstitial fluid
- PIFG poor intrauterine fetal growth
- PIFR peak inspiratory flow rate
- PIFT platelet immunofluorescence test
- PIG Polaris Investigator Group; polymeric immunoglobulin
- PIGA phosphatidylinositol glycan A
- pIgA polymeric immunoglobulin A
- pIgM polymeric immunoglobulin M
- pigm pigment, pigmented
- PIGR, PigR polymeric immunoglobulin receptor
- PIH periventricular-intraventricular hemorrhage; pheniprazine; phenyl isopropylhydrazine; pregnancy-induced hypertension; prolactin-inhibiting hormone; pseudointimal hyperplasia
- PII plasma inorganic iodine; primary irritation index
- PIIgG surface IgG
- Pij propagation delay
- PIIP portable insulin infusion pump
- PIIS posterior inferior iliac spine