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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ P ]
- PEFR peak expiratory flow rate
- PEFV partial expiratory flow volume
- PEG Patient Evaluation Grid; percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy; pneumoencephalogram, pneumoencephalography; polyethylene glycol
- PEG-ADA polyethylene glycol-modified adenine deaminase
- PEGASUS Percutaneous Endarterectomy, the Goal of Atherectomy Successfully Guided by Ultrasound [trial]
- PEGDA, PEG-DA polyethylene glycol diacrylate
- PEGDMA polyethylene glycol dimethacrylate
- PEGME polyethylene glycol methyl ether
- Pegs paternally expressed genes
- PEG-SOD polyethylene glycol superoxide dismutase
- PEG-SPA polyethylene glycol succinyl propionate
- PEHO progressive encephalopathy-edema-hypsarrhythmia-optic atrophy [syndrome]
- PEHPC periodic examination and health promotion center
- PeHV percid herpesvirus
- PEI Patient Exit Interview; percutaneous ethanol injection; phosphate excretion index; physical efficiency index; polyethyleneimine
- PEIRS pathology expert interpretative reporting system
- PEJ percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy
- PEK punctate epithelial kerotopathy
- PEL peritoneal exudate lymphocyte; permissible exposure limit
- PELA peripheral excimer laser angioplasty
- PELCA percutaneous excimer laser coronary angioplasty
- PELF pulse extremely low frequency
- PEM pediatric emergency medicine; peritoneal exudate macrophage; polymorphic epithelial mucin; prescription event monitoring; precordial electrocardiographic monitoring; primary enrichment medium; probable error of measurement; protein energy malnutrition; pulmonary endothelial membrane
- PEMA phenylethylmalonamide
- PEmax maximum expiratory pressure
- PEMF pulsed electromagnetic field
- PEN pharmacy equivalent name; practitioners entering notes
- Pen penicillin
- PENK proenkephalin
- PEN&PAD practitioners entering notes and practitioners accessing data [system]
- PENT phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase
- Pent pentothal
- PEO polyethylene oxide; progressive external ophthalmoplegia
- PEO-PBD polyethyleneoxide-polybutadiene
- PEO-PLA polyethylene dioxide-polylactic acid
- PEP patient education program; Pediatric Education for Paramedics [course]; peptidase; peer evaluation program; phosphoenolpyruvate; pigmentation, edema, and plasma cell dyscrasia [syndrome]; polyestradiol phosphate; pore-forming protein; positive expiratory pressure; postencephalitic parkinsonism; post-ERCP pancreatitis; postexposure prophylaxis; pre-ejection period; protein electrophoresis; Psychiatric Evaluation Profile; pudendal evoked potential
- Pep peptidase
- PEPA peptidase A; prospective evaluation of prognosis in angina
- PEPB peptidase B
- PEPC peptidase C
- PEPc corrected pre-ejection period
- PEPCK phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase
- PEPD peptidase D
- PEPE peptidase E
- PEPI pre-ejection period index; Postmenopausal Estrogen-Progestin Intervention [trial]
- PEPP Payment Error Prevention Program; positive expiratory pressure plateau; Pregnancy Exposures and Pre-eclampsia Prevention [project]
- PEPS peptidase S
- PEPT peptide transporter
- PEPV penguinpox virus
- PER peak ejection rate; periodogram; peritoneum; protein efficiency ratio
- per perineal; periodicity, periodic
- perc percutaneous
- perCP peridinin chlorophyll protein
- percus percussion
- Perf perfusion or perfusionist
- perf perforation
- PERFEXT Perfusion, Performance, Exercise Trial
- PERG pattern electroretinogram
- PERI Psychiatric Epidemiology Research Interview
- periap periapical
- Perio periodontics
- Peritf peritoneal fluid
- PERK prospective evaluation of radial keratotomy [protocol]
- p-ERK dual phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinase
- PERLA pupils equal, react to light and accommodation
- PERM Prospective Evaluation of Perfusion Markers [study]
- PerNET peripheral neuroectodermal tumor
- PERP positive end-respiratory pressure
- perp perpendicular
- PERRLA pupils equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation
- PERS Patient Evaluation Rating Scale; pediatric emergency rating scale
- PERT phenol-enhanced reassociation technique; program evaluation review technique
- PERV Perinet virus
- PES Patient Escort Service; perceived stress scale; photoelectron spectroscopy; physical examination syndrome; physicians' equity services; polyethylene sulfonate; postextrasystolic; preepiglottic space; preexcitation syndrome; primary empty sella [syndrome]; programmed electrical stimulation; pseudoepileptic seizures; pseudoexfoliation or pseudoexfoliative syndrome; psychiatric emergency services
- Pes esophageal pressure
- PESDA perfluorocarbon-exposed sonicated dextrose albumin
- PESP postextrasystolic potentiation
- Pes/PImax mean esophageal pressure/maximum inspiratory pressure [ratio]
- PESS problem, etiology, signs and symptoms
- Pess pessary
- PEST pesticides [dataset]
- PET paraffin-embedded tissue; peak ejection time; peritoneal equilibrium test; polyethylene terephthalate [film]; polyethylene tube; poor exercise tolerance; positron emission tomography; preeclamptic toxemia; pressure equalization tube; privacy-enhancing technique; progressive exercise test; psychiatric emergency team
- PETCO2, PETCO2 end-tidal pressure of carbon dioxide
- PETH pink-eyed, tan-hooded [rat]
- PET-MRI positron emission tomography-magnetic resonance imaging
- PETN pentaerythritol tetranitrate
- PETQI patient education total quality improvement
- petr petroleum
- PETRA parameter estimation for the treatment of reactivity application
- PETSc portable extensible toolkit for scientific computation
- PETT pendular eye-tracking test; positron emission transverse tomography
- PETV Petevo virus
- PEU plasma equivalent unit
- PEUU polyurethane-urea
- PEV peak expiratory velocity; positive effect variegation; pseudoenteritis virus
- pev peak electron volts
- PEV 2-7, 8, 9, 10, 11-13 porcine enteroviruses 2-7, 8, 9, 10, and 11-13
- PEV A, B porcine enteroviruses A and B
- PEW pulmonary extravascular water
- PEWV pulmonary extravascular water volume
- PEx physical examination
- Pex peak exercise
- Pext pressure across external breathing apparatus
- PF pair feeding; peak flow; peak frequency; pemphigus foliaceus; perfusion fluid; pericardial fluid; periosteal fibroblast; peritoneal fluid; permeability factor; personality factor; picture-frustration [study]; plantar flexion; plasma factor; plasmapheresis; platelet factor; pleural fluid; power factor; primary fibrinolysin; prostatic fluid; protection factor; pterygoid fossa; pulmonary factor; pulmonary function; Purkinje fiber; purpura fulminans; push fluids; pyrozafurin
- P-F picture-frustration [test]
- PF1-4 platelet factors 1 to 4
- Pf Plasmodium falciparum
- Pf final pressure
- pF picofarad
- PFA profunda femoris artery; p-fluorophenylalanine; phosphonoformate; pulverized fluid ash
- PFAS perception of functional ability scale; performic acid-Schiff [reaction]
- PFB perflubron; proportion of fed bugs [Chagas disease]
- PFC pair-fed control [mice]; patient-focused care; pelvic flexion contracture; perfluorocarbon; perfluorochemical; pericardial fluid culture; persistent fetal circulation; plaque-forming cell
- pFc noncovalently bonded dimer of the C-terminal immunoglobulin of the Fc fragment
- PFD polyostotic fibrous dysplasia; pseudoinflammatory fundus disease
- PFDA perfluoro-decanoic acid
- PfDNV Periplanata fuliginosa densovirus
- PFE pelvic floor exercise
- PFFD proximal focal femoral deficiency
- PFG peak flow gauge; pulsed-field gel electrophoresis
- PFGE pulsed field gel electrophoresis
- PFGS phosphoribosyl formylglycinamide synthetase
- PFIB perfluoroisobutylene
- PFIC progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis
- PFJ patellofemoral joint
- PFK phosphofructokinase; 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase
- PFKF 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase, fibroblast type
- PFKL phosphofructokinase, liver type; 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase, liver type
- PFKM phosphofructokinase, muscle type
- PFKP phosphofructokinase, platelet type; 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase, platelet type
- PFKX 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase X
- PFL profibrinolysin
- pflops pentaflops [floating points per second]
- PFM peak flow meter
- PFN partially functional neutrophil; profilin; proximal femoral nail
- PFO patent foramen ovale; perfringolysin O; plantar fasciitis orthosis
- PFOB perfluorocytylbromide
- PFOR pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase
- PFP pentafluorophenol; peripheral facial paralysis; plain film pelvis [x-ray]; platelet-free plasma; pulmonary fibroproliferation
- P-FPIA polyclonal fluorescence polarization immunoassay
- PFPS patellofemoral pain syndrome
- PFQ personality factor questionnaire
- PFR parotid flow rate; particulate filter respirator; peak flow rate
- PFRC predicted functional residual capacity
- PFS patellofemoral syndrome; primary fibromyalgia syndrome; protein-free supernatant; pulmonary function score; pulsatile flow system
- PFSH past, family and social history
- PFT pancreatic function test; parafascicular thalamotomy; Pick from Thousands [model for coded data]; posterior fossa tumor; prednisone, fluorouracil, and tamoxifen; pulmonary function test
- PFTBE progressive form of tick-borne encephalitis
- PFTL pulmonary function test laboratory
- PFU plaque-forming unit; pock-forming unit
- pfu plaque-forming unit
- PFUO prolonged fever of unknown origin
- PFV physiologic full value
- PFWD pain-free walking distance
- PG parallel group; parapsoriasis guttata; paregoric; parotid gland; partial gastrectomy; pentagastrin; pepsinogen; peptidoglycan; percutaneous gastrostomy; Pharmacopoeia Germanica; phase gradient [angiography]; phosphate glutamate; phosphatidylglycerol; phosphogluconate; pigment granule; pituitary gonadotropin; plasma glucose; plasma triglyceride; polygalacturonate; post graft; postgraduate; postprandial glucose; practice guideline; pregnanediol glucuronide; pregnant; progesterone; prolyl hydrolase; propyl gallate; propylene glycol; Prospect Hill [virus]; prostaglandin; proteoglycan; pulse generator [implantable converter-defibrillator]; pyoderma gangrenosum
- 2PG 2-phosphoglycerate
- 3PG 3-phosphoglycerate
- PG plasma glucose
- Pg nasopharyngeal electrode placement in electroencephalography; gastric pressure; plakoglobin; plasminogen; pogonion; pregnancy, pregnant; pregnenolone
- pg parthenogenic; picogram; pregnant
- PGA pancreaticogastrostomy; pepsinogen A; phosphoglyceric acid; polyglandular autoimmune [syndrome]; polyglycolic acid; programmable-gain amplifier; prostaglandin A; pteroylglutamic acid
- PGA1-3 prostaglandins A1 to A3
- PGAM monophosphoglycerate mutase
- PGAP pilot geriatric arthritis program
- PGAS persisting galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome; polyglandular autoimmune syndrome
- PGAV Pongola virus
- PGB progabide; prostaglandin B
- PGC progastricin; primordial germ cell
- PGCL [nucleus] paragigantocellularis lateralis
- PGD phosphogluconate dehydrogenase; phosphoglyceraldehyde dehydrogenase
- PGD2 prostaglandin D2
- 6-PGD 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase
- PGDH phosphogluconate dehydrogenase
- PGDR plasma glucose disappearance rate
- PGE platelet granule exract; posterior gastroenterostomy
- PGE1 prostaglandin E1
- PGE2 prostaglandin E2
- PGF phylogenetic footprint
- PGF2α prostaglandin F2α
- PGFT phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase
- PGG polyclonal gamma globulin
- PGG2 prostaglandin G2
- PGH pituitary growth hormone; porcine growth hormone
- PGH2 prostaglandin H2
- PGHS prostaglandin G/H synthase
- PGI phosphoglucose isomerase; potassium, glucose, and insulin
- PGI2 prostacyclin [prostaglandin I2]
- PGK phosphoglycerate kinase
- PGL persistent generalized lymphadenopathy; phosphoglycolipid; 6-phosphogluconolactonase
- PGLN periglandular lymph node
- PGlyM phosphoglyceromutase
- PGM phosphoglucomutase; phosphoglycerate mutase
- PGMA phosphoglycerate mutase A
- PGMB phosphoglycerate mutase B
- PGMDE postgraduate and continuing medical and dental education
- pg/mL picograms per milliliter
- PGN proliferative glomerulonephritis
- PGNA prompt gamma neutron activation
- PGO ponto-geniculo-occipital [spike]
- PGP phosphoglyceroyl phosphatase; postgamma proteinuria; prepaid group practice; progressive general paralysis