Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations

  A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

[ N ]

  N1 | N2 | N3 | N4 | N5 | N6 | N7 |
  • NFAIS  National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services
  • NFAR  no further action required
  • N-FAS  neurogenic fetal akinesia sequence
  • NFAT, NF-AT  nuclear factor of activated T [cells]
  • NFATp  pre-existing subunit of nuclear factor of activated T [cells]
  • NFB  National Foundation for the Blind; nonfermenting bacteria
  • NFBM  normalized fractional brownian motion
  • NFC  National Fertility Center
  • NFCE  near-fatal choking episode
  • NFCS  Nationwide Food Consumption Survey
  • NFD  neurofibrillary degeneration
  • NFDR  neurofaciodigitorenal [syndrome]
  • NFE  nonferrous extract
  • NFH  heavy polypeptide of neurofilament protein; nonfamilial hematuria
  • NFI  near field imaging
  • NFIC  National Foundation for Ileitis and Colitis
  • NFID  National Foundation for Infectious Diseases
  • NFIRS  National Fire Incident Reporting System
  • NFJ  Naegeli-Franceschetti-Jadassohn [syndrome]
  • NFK  nuclear factor kappa
  • NFKB, NF-kB, NF-κB  nuclear factor κB [of pre-B cell]
  • NFL  nerve fiber layer; neurofilament protein, light polypeptide
  • NFLD  nerve fiber layer defect
  • NFLPN  National Federation of Licensed Practical Nurses
  • NFM  neurofilament protein, medium polypeptide
  • NFMD  National Foundation for Muscular Dystrophy
  • NFND  National Foundation for Neuromuscular Diseases
  • NFNID  National Foundation for NonInvasive Diagnostics
  • NFNS, NF-NS  neurofibromatosis-Noonan syndrome
  • NFP  natural family planning; no family physician; not-for-profit [hospital]; nurse-family partnership
  • NFS  National Fertility Study; [computer] network file system; neural foraminal stenosis; no fracture seen
  • NFT  neurofibrillary tangle; no further treatment
  • NFTD  normal full term delivery
  • NFTT  neurogenic failure to thrive
  • NFW  nursed fairly well
  • NFX  nuclear factor X
  • NG  nasogastric; Neisseria gonorrhoeae; neoplastic growth; new growth; nitroglycerin; nodose ganglion; no growth; not given
  • N/G  nasogastric
  • Ng  Neisseria gonorrhoeae
  • ng  nanogram
  • NGA  nutrient gelatin agar
  • NGAST  Nimodipine German-Austrian Stroke Trial
  • NGAV  Ngaingan virus
  • NGBE  neuraminidase/beta-galactosidase expression
  • NGC  National Guidelines Clearinghouse [database]; nerve guidance conduit; nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis
  • NgCAM  neuron glial cell adhesion molecule
  • NGF  nerve growth factor
  • NGFA  nerve growth factor alpha
  • NGFB  nerve growth factor beta
  • NGFG  nerve growth factor gamma
  • NGFIA  nerve growth factor-induced clone A
  • NGFIC  nerve growth factor-induced clone C
  • NGFR  nerve growth factor receptor
  • NGGR  nonglucogenic/glucogenic ratio
  • NGI  Next Generation Internet; nuclear globulin inclusions
  • NGIX  next generation Internet exchange points
  • NGL  neutral glycolipid
  • ng/mL  nanograms per milliliter
  • NGO  nongovernmental organization
  • NGOV  Ngoupe virus
  • NGPA  nursing grade point average
  • NGR  narrow gauze roll; nasogastric replacement
  • NGS  next generation software; normal goat serum
  • NGSA  nerve growth stimulating activity
  • NGSF  nongenital skin fibroblast
  • NGSVd  Nicotiana glutinosa stunt viroid
  • NGT  nasogastric tube; nominal group technique; normal glucose tolerance
  • NGU  nongonococcal urethritis
  • NGVL  National Gene Vector Laboratories
  • NH  natriuretic hormone; Naval Hospital; neonatal hemochromatosis; neonatal hepatitis; neurologically handicapped; nocturnal hypoventilation; node of His; nonhuman; nursing home
  • N(H)  proton density
  • NHA  National Health Association; National Hearing Association; National Hemophilia Association; nonspecific hepatocellular abnormality; nursing home administrator
  • NHAAP  National Heart Attack Alert Program
  • NHAMCS  National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey
  • NHANES  National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
  • NHB  National Health Board
  • NHBCD  non-heart-beating cadaver donor
  • NHBE  normal human bronchial epithelial [cell]
  • NHBPCC  National High Blood Pressure Coordinating Committee
  • NHBPEP  National High Blood Pressure Education Program
  • NHC  National Health Council; neighborhood health center; neonatal hypocalcemia; nonhistone chromosomal [protein]; nursing home care
  • NHCMQ  multistate nursing home case-mix and quality
  • NHCP  nonhistone chromosomal protein
  • NHCS  National Health Care Survey
  • NHD  non-Hodgkin disease; normal hair distribution
  • NHDC  National Hansen's Disease Center
  • NHDF  neonatal human dermal fibroblast; normal human diploid fibroblast
  • NHDL  non-high-density lipoprotein
  • NHDS  National Health Data System; National Hospital Discharge Survey
  • NHE  National Health Expenditure; nonhemolytic enterotoxin; sodium-hydrogen exchanger
  • NHE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6  sodium-hydrogen exchangers, isoforms 1 to 6
  • NHEFS  National Epidemiologic Follow-up Study
  • NHES  National Health Examination Survey
  • NHF  National Health Federation; National Heart Foundation [Australia]; National Hemophilia Foundation; nonimmune hydrops fetalis; normal human fibroblast
  • NHG  normal human globulin
  • NHGB  net hepatic glucose balance
  • NHGJ  normal human gastric juice
  • NHGRI  National Human Genome Research Institute
  • NHH  neurohypophyseal hormone
  • NHHCS  National Home and Hospice Care Survey
  • NHI  National Heart Institute; nuclear hepatobiliary imaging
  • NHIC  National Health Information Council [Canada]
  • NHIF  National Head Injury Foundation
  • NHIS  National Health Interview Survey
  • NHIS-YRB  National Health Interview Survey-Your Risk Behavior
  • NHK  normal human kidney
  • NHL  nodular histiocytic lymphoma; non-Hodgkin lymphoma
  • NHLA  National Health Lawyers Association
  • NHLBI  National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
  • NHLBI II  National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Type II [coronary intervention study]
  • NHLBI-ICD  National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator [trial]
  • NHLBI-PTCA  National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty [registry]
  • NHLBITS  National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Twin Study
  • NHLI  National Heart and Lung Institute [NIH]
  • NHML  non-Hodgkin malignant lymphoma
  • NHMRC  National Health and Medical Research Council [Australia]
  • NHP  National Hypertension Project [Egypt]; nonhemoglobin protein; nonhistone protein; normal human pooled plasma; Nottingham Health Profile; nursing home placement
  • NHPC  National Health Planning Council
  • NHPF  National Health Policy Forum
  • NHPIC  National Health Planning Information Center
  • NHPP  nonhomogeneous poison processes
  • NHPPD  nursing hours per patient day
  • NHPPN  National Health Professions Placement Network
  • NHQRA  Nursing Home Quality Reform Act
  • NHR  net histocompatibility ratio
  • NHRA  Nursing Home Reform Act
  • NHRC  National Health Research Center
  • NHS  Nance-Horan syndrome; Nasu-Hakola syndrome; National Health Service [UK]; National Hospice Study; natural history; normal horse serum; normal human serum; Nurses' Health Study
  • NHS-1  First Natural History Study [of congenital heart defects]
  • NHS-2  Second Natural History Study [of congenital heart defects]
  • NHSAS  National Health Service Audit Staff
  • NHSC  National Health Service Corps
  • NHS CCC  National Health Service Centre for Coding and Classification [UK]
  • NHSIA  National Health Service [NHS] Information Authority [UK]
  • NHSR  National Hospital Service Reserve
  • NHSTD  National Health Service Training Division [UK]
  • NHT  nonpenetrating head trauma
  • NHTSA  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
  • NHVR  normalized hepatic vascular resistance
  • NI  neuraminidase inhibition; neurological improvement; neutralization index; no information; noise index; noninducible; not identified; not isolated; nursing informatics; nucleus intercalatus
  • NIA  National Institute on Aging; nephelometric inhibition assay; neuroleptic-induced akathisia; niacin; no information available; Nutritional Institute of America
  • nia  niacin
  • NIAAA  National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
  • NIADDK  National Institute of Arthritis, Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases
  • NIAID  National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
  • NIAMDD  National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive Diseases
  • NIAMS  National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
  • NIAP  National Information Assurance Partnership
  • NIB  National Institute for the Blind
  • NIBP  noninvasive blood pressure [monitoring]
  • NIBSC  National Institute for Biological Standards and Control
  • NIC  National Informatics Center; neonatal intensive care; network interface card; neurogenic intermittent claudication; neurointensive care; newborn intensive care; nursing interim care; nursing interventions classification
  • NICD  National Information Center on Deafness
  • NICET  National Institute of Certification in Engineering Technologies
  • NICHCY  National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities
  • NIC-HFH  Nephrology Information Center at Henry Ford Hospital
  • NICHHD  National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
  • NICHSR  National Center on Health Services Research
  • NICOLE  Nisoldipine in Coronary Artery Disease in Leuven
  • NICT  new information and communication technology
  • NICU  neonatal intensive care unit; neurointensive care unit; neurological intensive care unit; neurosurgical intensive care unit; nonimmunologic contact urticaria
  • NID  National Immunization Day; nidogen; no identifiable disease; nonimmunological disease; not in distress; number of intervals to fulfill detection [of ventricular fibrillation]
  • NIDA  National Institute of Drug Abuse
  • NIDCD  National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
  • NIDCR  National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
  • NIDD  non-insulin-dependent diabetes
  • NIDDK  National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
  • NIDDM  non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
  • NIDDY  non-insulin-dependent diabetes in the young
  • NIDM  National Institute for Disaster Mobilization
  • NIDR  National Institute of Dental Research
  • NIDRR  National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research
  • NIDS  nonionic detergent soluble
  • NIDSEC  Nursing Information and Data Set Evaluation Center
  • NIEHS  National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences
  • NIEPS  noninvasive electrophysiological study
  • NIH  neointimal hyperplasia
  • NIHAS  Northern Ireland Health and Activity Survey
  • NIF  negative inspiratory force; neutrophil immobilizing factor; nonintestinal fibroblast
  • Nig  non-immunoglobulin
  • nig  black [Lat. niger]
  • NIGMS  National Institute of General Medical Sciences
  • NIH  National Institutes of Health
  • NIHL  noise-induced hearing loss
  • Ni-Hon-San  Nipponese in Honolulu and San Francisco [comparative cardiovascular disease rate in Japanese-Americans living in Honolulu and San Francisco]
  • NIHR  National Institute of Handicapped Research
  • NIHS  National Institute of Hypertension Studies
  • NIH-SS  NIH Stroke Scale
  • NII  National Information Infrastructure; National Insurance Institute
  • NIIC  National Injury Information Clearinghouse
  • NII-HIN  National Information Infrastructure-Health Information Network
  • NIIS  National Institute of Infant Services
  • NIL  noise interference level
  • NILT  Nursing Intervention Lexicon and Toxonomy
  • NIMBY  not in my backyard
  • NIMH  National Institute of Mental Health
  • NIMP  National Intern Matching Program
  • NIMR  National Institute for Medical Research
  • NIMS  National Infant Mortality Surveillance
  • NINCDS  National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke
  N1 | N2 | N3 | N4 | N5 | N6 | N7 |