Latex agglutination test

A test used to detect the presence of an antibody or antigen in a variety of bodily fluids including saliva, urine, cerebrospinal fluid or blood.

How the test is performed 

For collection methods, see the specific topics:

Depending on the sample under investigation and what your healthcare provider is looking for, either antibody or antigen is attached to latex beads. If the corresponding antigen or antibody is present, the latex beads agglutinate (clump together into visible particles) when mixed with the sample. For example, if your health care provider suspects that your child has strep throat, a throat swab is taken. The sample is mixed with latex beads that are coated with antibodies against the bacterium. If your child has strep throat, the bacteria in the sample will react with the antibodies on the latex particles causing agglutination. Latex agglutination is quick, and your health care provider should have the results in 15 minutes to an hour.

How to prepare for the test  
As with any test, your health care provider may limit certain foods or medications shortly before the test to assure accurate test results.

How the test will feel  
How the test feels depends on how the sample is collected. Please see the individual topics for information in this area.

Why the test is performed  
This test is a quick way to determine the absence or presence of an antigen or antibody. Your health care provider will base any intervention for your particular need, at least in part, on the results of this test.

Normal Values  
Normal values reveal no agglutination.

What abnormal results mean  
If there is an antigen-antibody match, agglutination will occur.

What the risks are  
Risks are associated with how the sample is collected. Please see the individual topics for information in this area.

Johns Hopkins patient information

Last revised: December 6, 2012
by Simon D. Mitin, M.D.

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