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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ A ]
- ATLAS Adolescents Training and Learning to Avoid Steroids; Aspirin and Ticlid vs Anticoagulants for Stents [study]; Assessment of Treatment with Lisinopril and Survival [trial]
- ATLAST Antiplatelet Therapy vs Lovenox Plus Antiplatelet Therapy for Patients with Increased Risk of Stent Thrombosis; Aspirin/Ticlopidine vs Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin/Aspirin/Ticlopidine Stent Trial
- ATLL adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma
- ATLP anterior titanium thoracolumbar locking plate
- ATLS acute tumor lysis syndrome; Advanced Tool for Learning Anatomical Structures; advanced trauma life support
- ATLV adult T-cell leukemia virus
- ATM abnormal tubular myelin; acute transverse myelopathy; adaptive template moderated; advanced trauma management; Arizona Asynchronous Transfer Mode [network]; asynchronous transfer mode; asynchronous transfer protocol; ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated [protein]; atmosphere; average time of maintenance
- atm standard atmosphere
- ATMA Amiodarone Trials Meta Analysis; antithyroid plasma membrane antibody
- ATMI application transaction manager interface
- atmos atmospheric
- ATMTN asynchronous transfer mode teleradiology network
- ATN acute tubular necrosis; Adolescent Trials Network; augmented transition network
- ATNC atraumatic normocephalic
- at no atomic number
- ATNR asymmetric tonic neck reflex
- A-to-D analog-to-digital
- ATOT total anions
- ATP addiction treatment program; adenosine triphosphate; ambient temperature and pressure; annual transmission potential; antitachycardia pacing; Arizona Telemedicine Program; autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura
- A-TP adsorbed test plasma
- AT-P antitrypsin-Pittsburgh
- AtP attending physician
- ATPA 2-amino-3-(hydroxy-5-tert-butylisoxazol-4-yl) propanoic acid
- AT-PAS aldehyde-thionine-periodic acid Schiff [test]
- ATPase adenosine triphosphatase
- ATPD dried at ambient temperature and pressure
- ATP-2Na adenosine triphosphate disodium
- ATPS ambient temperature and pressure, saturated
- ATR Achilles tendon reflex; Achilles tendon rupture; acid-tolerance response; alpha-thalassemia-mental retardation [syndrome]; ataxia-telangiectasia and rad3-related [protein]; attenuated total reflectance; automatic term recognition; axial trunk rotation
- atr atrophy
- ATR1 alpha-thalassemia mental retardation [syndrome] type 1
- ATR2 alpha-thalassemia mental retardation [syndrome] type 2
- ATRA all-transretinoic acid
- ATRAMI Autonomic Tone and Reflexes After Myocardial Infarction [trial]
- ATRAS Adrenal Test Retrieval and Analysis System
- Atr fib atrial fibrillation
- ATRX, ATR-X X-linked alpha-thalassemia mental retardation [syndrome]
- ATS Achard-Thiers syndrome; acid test solution; alpha-D-tocopherol acid succinate; American Thoracic Society; American Trauma Society; American Trudeau Society; antirat thymocyte serum; antitetanus serum; antithymocyte serum; anxiety tension state; arteriosclerosis; autologous transfusion system
- ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
- ATT arginine tolerance test; aspirin tolerance time
- att attending
- atten attenuated
- ATTMH Australian Therapeutic Trial of Mild Hypertension
- ATTRACT application of telemedicine taking rapid advantage of cable television
- ATV Abelson virus transformed; Ambystoma tigrinum stebbinsi virus; antisense target validation; atazanavir; avian tumor virus
- at vol atomic volume
- at wt atomic weight
- ATX associated expressions [UMLS]
- ATx adult thymectomy
- atyp atypical
- ATZ acetazolamide; atypical transformation zone
- Au Australia [antigen]; authorization
- AUA American Urological Association; asymptomatic urinary abnormalities
- Au Ag Australia antigen
- AUB abnormal uterine bleeding
- AUC area under the curve
- AUCextra extrapolated area under the curve
- AuCPV Aglais urticae cypovirus
- AUCSS steady-state area under the curve
- AUD arthritis of unknown diagnosis
- aud auditory
- AUDEX automated urologic diagnostic expert [ultrasonographic imaging]
- AUDIT alcohol use disorders identification test
- AUDIT-C alcohol use disorders identification test-alcohol consumption questions
- aud-vis audiovisual
- AUG acute ulcerative gingivitis; adenosine-uracil-guanine
- AUGH acute upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage
- AuHAA Australia hepatitis-associated antigen
- AUI Alcohol Use Inventory
- AUL acute undifferentiated leukemia
- AUMC area under the first moment curve
- AUMCextra extrapolated area under the first moment curve
- AUO amyloid of unknown origin
- AuP Australian antigen protein
- AUPHA Association of University Programs in Health Administration
- AUR Association of University Radiologists
- aur, auric auricle, auricular
- AURAV Aura virus
- AURT Association of University Radiologic Technicians
- AUS acute urethral syndrome; artificial urinary sphincter
- AuS Australia serum hepatitis
- aus, ausc auscultation
- AuSH Australia serum hepatitis
- AUST Australian Urokinase Stroke Trial
- AUT authentication
- AutoCAD auto-computer assisted diagnosis [software]
- Auto-PEEP self-controlled positive end-expiratory pressure
- AUV anterior urethral valve
- aux auxiliary
- AV adeno-associated virus; adenovirus; Adriamycin and vincristine; air velocity; allergic vasculitis; anteroventral; anteversion; anticipatory vomiting; antivirin; aortic valve; arenavirus; arteriovenous; artificial ventilation; ascovirus; asparagus virus; assisted ventilation; atrioventricular; audiovisual; augmented vector; average; aviation medicine; avoirdupois
- A-V arteriovenous; atrioventricular
- A/V ampere/volt; arteriovenous
- Av average; avoirdupois
- aV abvolt
- av air velocity; average; avulsion
- AVA activity vector analysis; anthrax vaccine adsorbed; antiviral antibody; aortic valve annulus; aortic valve area; aortic valve atresia; Arracacha virus A; arteriovenous anastomosis
- AvaCPV Agraulis vanillae cypovirus
- AV/AF anteverted, anteflexed
- AVAV Avalon virus
- AVB Arracacha virus B; atrioventricular block
- AVC aberrant ventricular conduction; Academy of Veterinary Cardiology; aortic valve closure; arteriovenous communication; Association of Vitamin Chemists; associative visual cortex; atrioventricular canal; automatic volume control
- AVCN anteroventral cochlear nucleus
- AVCO2R arteriovenous carbon dioxide removal
- AVCS atrioventricular conduction system
- AVCx atrioventricular circumflex branch
- AVD aortic valvular disease; apparent volume of distribution; Army Veterinary Department; atrioventricular dissociation
- AvDNV Agraulis vanillae densovirus
- AVDO2 arteriovenous oxygen saturation difference
- AVDO2B arteriovenous oxygen saturation difference, basal
- AVDP average diastolic pressure
- avdp avoirdupois
- AVE aortic valve echocardiogram
- ave, aver average
- AVED ataxia with vitamin E deficiency
- AVERT Atorvastatin vs Revascularization Treatment [trial]
- AVEU AIDS Vaccine Evaluation Unit
- AVF antiviral factor; arteriovenous fistula
- aVF automated volt foot
- aVF unipolar limb lead on the left leg in electrocardiography
- AVG ambulatory visit group; aortic valve gradient
- avg average
- AVH acute viral hepatitis
- AVHD acquired valvular heart disease
- AVHS acquired valvular heart syndrome
- AVI air velocity index; Association of Veterinary Inspectors; atrioventricular interval; audio-video interleave
- AviCPV Arctia villica cypovirus
- AVID Amiodarone vs Implantable Defibrillators [trial]; Angiography vs Intravascular Ultrasound Directed Coronary Stent Placement [trial]; Antiarrhythmics vs Implantable Defibrillators [study]
- AVIR aortic valve replacement
- AVJ atrioventricular junction
- AVJR atrioventricular junction rhythm
- AVJRe atrioventricular junctional reentrant
- AVL automatic vehicle locator
- aVL automated volt left
- aVK unipolar limb lead on the left arm in electrocardiography
- AVLINE Audiovisuals Online [NLM database]
- AVLJ absolute value of logarithm of Jacobian
- AVM arteriovenous malformation; atrioventricular malformation; avermectin; aviation medicine
- AVMA American Veterinary Medical Association
- AVN acute vasomotor nephropathy; atrioventricular nodal [conduction]; atrioventricular node; avascular necrosis
- AVNA atrioventricular node artery
- AVND atrioventricular node dysfunction
- AVNFH avascular necrosis of the femoral head
- AVNFRP atrioventricular node functional refractory period
- AVNR atrioventricular nodal reentry
- AVNRT atrioventricular node reentry tachycardia
- AVO aortic valve opening; aortic valve orifice; atrioventricular opening
- AVO2 arteriovenous oxygen ratio
- AVOA amorphous vascular occluding agent
- AVP abnormal vasopressin; actinomycin-vincristine-Platinol; ambulatory venous pressure; antiviral protein; aortoventriculoplasty; aqueous vasopressin; arginine-vasopressin; arteriovenous passage time
- AVP-NPII arginine vasopressin-neurophysin II
- AVPU alert, verbal, painful, unresponsive [neurologic test]
- AVR accelerated ventricular rhythm; antiviral regulator; aortic valve replacement
- aVR automated volt right
- aVR unipolar limb lead on the right arm in electrocardiography
- AVREO avian reovirus
- AVRI acute viral respiratory infection
- AVRP atrioventricular refractory period
- AVRR antiviral repressor regulator
- AVRT atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia; atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia; atrioventricular reentry
- AVS Advanced Visual Systems; aortic valve stenosis; application visualization system; arteriovenous shunt; auditory vocal sequencing
- AVSD atrioventricular septal defect
- AVSV aortic valve stroke volume
- AVT Allen vision test; arginine vasotocin; Aviation Medicine Technician
- AVV atrioventricular valve
- AvV Agraulis vanillae virus
- Av3V anteroventral third ventricle
- AVVM angiographically visualized vascular malformation
- AVY Arracacha virus Y
- AVZ avascular zone
- AW able to work; above waist; abrupt withdrawal; airways; alcohol withdrawal; alveolar wall; anterior wall; atomic warfare; atomic weight
- A&W alive and well
- aw airway; water activity
- AWAR anterior wall of aortic root
- AWBM alveolar wall basement membrane
- AWBV Ahlum waterborne virus
- AWD alive with disease
- AWESOME Angina with Extremely Serious Operative Mortality Evaluation
- AWFM adaptive Walsh function modeling
- AWG American Wire Gauge
- AWGN additive white gaussian noise [telemedicine]
- AWHILES All-Wales Health Information and Library Extension Service
- AWI anterior wall infarction
- AWIGS advanced workplace for image-guided surgery
- AWL active waiting list
- AWM abnormal wall motion
- AWMI anterior wall myocardial infarction
- AWMN Acid Waters Monitoring Network [UK]
- AWMV amplitude-weighted mean velocity
- AWO airway obstruction
- AWOL absent without official leave
- AWP airway pressure; any willing provider; average of the wholesale prices; average wholesale price
- AWR absolute weighted residual; airway restriction
- AWRS anti-whole rabbit serum
- AWRU active wrist rotation unit
- AWS Alagille-Watson syndrome; alcohol withdrawal syndrome
- AWTA aniridia-Wilms tumor association
- awu atomic weight unit
- ax axillary; axis, axial
- AxCPV anti-xanthomista cypovirus
- AXD axillary dissection
- AXF advanced x-ray facility
- AXG adult xanthogranuloma
- AXL anexelekto [oncogene]; axillary lymphoscintigraphy
- AXR abdominal x-ray [examination]
- AXT alternating exotropia
- AYA acute yellow atrophy
- AYF antiyeast factor
- AYP autolyzed yeast protein
- AYV Anthriscus yellows virus
- AZ Aschheim-Zondek [test]; 5-azacytidine; azathioprine
- Az nitrogen [Fr. azote]
- AZA azathioprine; azelaic acid
- AzC azacytosine
- AZEV Acrobasis zelleri entomopoxvirus
- AZF azoospermia factor
- AzG, azg azaguanine
- AZGP zinc-alpha-2-glycoprotein
- AZO [indicates presence of the group — N:N—]
- AZOA azaorotic acid
- AZQ diaziquone
- AZR alizarin
- AZT Aschheim-Zondek test; azidothymidine; 3´-azido-3´-deoxythymidine; zidovudine (azidothymidine)
- AZTEC amplitude zone time epoch coding [in ECG]
- AZTMP azidothymidine monophosphate
- AZT-R azidothymidine-resistant
- AZT-S azidothymidine-susceptible or sensitive
- AZTTP azidothymidine trithiophosphate
- AZT-TP 3´-azido-3´-deoxythymidine triphosphate
- AZU azauracil; azurocidin
- AzUr 6-azauridine