Stroke– Causes, Symptoms, the Risk Factors, Types, Prevention and Treatment

2. Hawthorn
Hawthorn contains cardiotonic amines, polyphenols, and is a source of Vitamins C, B, and many other nutrients that help in relaxing and dilating arteries, increasing the flow of blood and oxygen to and from the heart and maintaining healthy blood pressure resulting in lowered risk of stroke.

3. Garlic
Garlic contains high amounts of antioxidants and elements that help to improve blood circulation. It is dangerous to take garlic extract together with blood thinner medications as we mentioned in a previous article.

4. Cayenne
Cayenne contains an active ingredient called capsaicin that has the abilities to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels as well as preventing heart diseases and stroke.

5. Blueberries
Blueberries are one of the richest food sources of natural antioxidants readily available, having more than twice the levels of other berries that helps to prevent heart disease, stroke and internal bleeding.

6. Pigweed
Pigweed is an excellent plant-source of calcium. It helps lower one-third of the risk of succumbing to heart attack. Personally, I believe these results also apply to ischemic strokes, because they are biologically so similar to heart attack.

7. Willow bark
Willow bark has been shown in several studies to reduce the risk of ischemic stroke by about 18 percent. Study shows that willow bark has the aspirin’s ability to prevent heart attacks, and also shows a slight increase in risk of Hemorrhagic stroke from taking willow bark daily but the increase was small and not statistically significant.

8. Ginger
This is another herb proven to have anti-clotting abilities and has the same function as garlic.

D. With Chinese Acupuncture and Herbs
1. Acupuncture
Acupuncture is the most popular treatment modality for stroke patients in China, used effectively on 85% of the stroke patients there. The recently acceptance of acupuncture by western medical practitioners allows one more effective method in curing diseases especially stroke. Study shows that acupuncture helps to facilitate nerve regeneration, decrease blood viscosity, as well as helping surviving nerve cells find new pathways, effectively bypassing damaged parts of the brain resulting in decreased risk of stroke.

2. Ginkgo biloba (bai guo ye).
Ginkgo biloba improves mental functioning as well as preventing blood cells from forming blood clots in the brain. Study shows that ginkgo improves blood circulation and lowers plasma cholesterol concentrations that help to lower the risk of stroke.

3. Gastrodia
Gastrodia was listed in the ancient Shennong Bencao Jing (ca. 100 A.D.) and was later classified by Tao Hong as a superior herb, meaning that it could be taken for a long time to protect health and prolong life, as well as for treating illnesses. Gastrodia is used by Chinese herbalist in treating stroke and chronic weaknesses of Qi that eventually blocks the flow of blood to the brain.

4. Cinnamon bark
True Cinnamon is one form of the common spice. As we discussed before, cinnamon helps to lower blood sugar by mimicking insulin, activating insulin receptors and working with insulin in the cells to reduce blood sugar by up to 20%. Also cinnamon has some antioxidant benefits that helps to find new pathways for surviving nerve cells after stroke.

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