Protecting kids from illness in the winter

Now is the time to step up hygiene to keep flu viruses and other bugs from spreading, U.S. doctors advise.

Physicians at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center in Ohio say vaccination is the best way to protect children from influenza viruses but it’s also a good idea to keep children away from secondhand tobacco smoke, which has been shown to raise their risks of respiratory illness.

“While the flu typically causes mild symptoms, it can be severe enough to cause hospitalization or even death,” the doctors say in a statement. “Flu most commonly occurs in the winter and early spring.”

The first step is to stop the spread through sneezes or coughing by using tissues. If there is no time to get a tissue, teach children to bend an arm and sneeze or cough into a sleeve. Frequent coughs/sneezes may mean wearing a mask. Certainly, anyone ill should avoid close contact with others, the doctors say.

Other ways the doctors suggest will help stop the spread of germs include:

- Quickly disposing of used tissues.

- Washing hands at least 15 seconds with soap and warm water.

- Never letting children share pacifiers, cups, spoons, forks, washcloths, towels or toothbrushes.

- Washing dishes in hot, soapy water or the dishwasher.

- Changing cloth towels often and washing them in hot water.



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