Lots of pregnancies linked to a healthier heart

In a new study from a single California community, women who had been pregnant at least four times were less likely to die from cardiovascular disease than those who’d never been expecting.

Researchers said that could be due to the protective effects of pregnancy-related hormones as well as the extra social support that comes with having more children - or the fact that women who are able to get pregnant more often are healthier to begin with.

It’s not clear that getting pregnant more often protects women’s hearts, necessarily.

“It’s just one more little piece of the puzzle that maybe physicians should be aware of or think about,” said Donna Kritz-Silverstein, from the University of California, San Diego.

Heart disease is one of the biggest problems facing women today. It’s the leading cause of death among women in the United States,” Kritz-Silverstein, who worked on the study, told Reuters Health. But, she added, “Many women don’t perceive themselves to be at risk.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease kills more than 600,000 Americans a year, about half of them women.

The new study, led by Marni Jacobs at UCSD, involved close to 1,300 women from Rancho Bernardo in Southern California. In the mid-1980s, when participants were in their early 70s, on average, researchers asked them how many times they had been pregnant and given birth. They also surveyed women about lifestyle habits related to heart health, such as smoking and exercise, and measured their cholesterol, blood pressure, height and weight.

If you have a heart condition, what should you do before planning a pregnancy?

If you have a heart condition, such as those listed below, you should be evaluated by a cardiologist (a heart specialist) before you start planning a pregnancy:

  Hypertension (high blood pressure) or High cholesterol
  Prior diagnosis of any type of heart or blood vessel disease, including aorta disease, arrhythmia, heart murmur, cardiomyopathy, heart failure, Marfan syndrome or rheumatic fever.
  Prior cardiac event (transient ischemic attack or stroke).
  Poor functional status, defined as NYHA class III or IV. The New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional status is a set of clinical classifications that rank patients as class I-II-III-IV according to the degree of symptomatic or functional limits or cyanosis (a blue tint to the skin, indicates the body is not receiving enough oxygen-rich blood).
  Severe narrowing of the mitral or aortic valve or aortic outflow tract, as determined by echocardiography.
  Ejection fraction of less than 40%. Ejection fraction is the amount of blood pumped out of the left ventricle during each heartbeat. The ejection fraction evaluates how well the heart is pumping. A normal ejection fraction ranges from 50 to 70%.

The cardiologist can review your health history and perform a physical exam and order diagnostic tests, as needed, to evaluate your heart function and the severity and extent of your condition. After reviewing the test results, the cardiologist can talk to you about the safety of pregnancy, based on your health condition. The cardiologist will discuss your potential risk of complications during pregnancy, including potential fetal risks and possible long-term health risks to you and your baby. The cardiologist can discuss whether medications or other treatments may be needed before pregnancy.

Be sure to discuss all of your medications (including heart medications and any over-the-counter medications you take routinely) with your doctor so your medication dosages can be changed if necessary or different medications can be prescribed that may be safer to take during pregnancy.

By preparing for pregnancy and following up regularly with your cardiologist during pregnancy, most women with a heart condition can safely become pregnant and have a healthy baby.

For the next 19 years, the researchers brought women in for regular clinic visits, sent them annual questionnaires and used death records to track their diagnoses.

Over that follow-up, 707 women, or about 55 percent, died of various causes. Just under half of those deaths were due to heart and vascular diseases, including heart failure, heart attacks and strokes.

Compared to women who had never been pregnant, those who reported at least four pregnancies were about 35 percent less likely to die of any heart or vascular disease, including half as likely to be killed by a stroke or another condition related to artery build-up and high blood pressure. That was after taking into account women’s age and weight.

The trend held up when the researchers looked specifically at the number of times women had given birth, and not just how often they’d been pregnant - but in that analysis, they couldn’t be sure the lower rates of cardiovascular deaths that came with more kids weren’t due to chance.

The authors wrote in Fertility and Sterility, that finding may simply be due to the smaller sample of women who had four or more kids - 131 of them - compared to the 240 that had been pregnant at least four times in their study.

On the other end of the spectrum, 316 women said they had never been pregnant and 406 had never given birth.

There was no link between the number of times women were pregnant or gave birth and their chance of dying from all causes combined during the study.

The researchers said the findings may not apply to postmenopausal women in general, as the women in their study had especially long life spans, were relatively well-off financially and had good access to health care.

But they proposed a few explanations for the link between the number of times women had been pregnant and their chance of dying from cardiovascular disease. For example, women who are pregnant more times produce more estrogen over the long run, and longer lifetime exposure to the hormone may have protective heart effects. Alternatively, heart-related deaths could be reduced in women who have lots of grown children and social support around them as they age.

Finally, Kritz-Silverstein and her colleagues wrote that higher fertility may just reflect better general health - although their associations stood up when they took into account blood pressure and cholesterol readings as well as lifestyle habits.

“It’s really hard to tease out” the cause, she said. “We’re just speculating - there’s no real way that we can know that from our data.”

Kritz-Silverstein added that future research into the link between pregnancy history and cardiovascular disease could help get at some of the differing heart risks and protective effects in men and women, including the “not-so-obvious factors.”

SOURCE: Fertility and Sterility, online November 29, 2011.

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