17 Creative Anti-Smoking Ads

Clever anti-smoking campaigns and creative advertising designed to get people to quit smoking.

Most of us know that smoking is bad for our health, but did you know that smoking is also a major contributor to many dental problems? Cigarettes aren’t the only products only to blame. All forms of tobacco, including cigars, smokeless tobacco and hookah water pipes, pose dental health concerns.

Dental Problems Associated with Tobacco Use

Tobacco use…

  • greatly increases the risk for oral cancer, a disease that progresses rapidly and can be deadly if not diagnosed and treated early.
  • increases the risk of gum disease, which is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults.
  • (smoking in particular) can slow down healing after oral surgery procedures, such as having a tooth pulled.
  • can damage gum tissue and cause receding gums, leaving the roots of the teeth exposed. This could increase the risk of Tooth decay and cause hot/cold sensitivity.
  • can cause bad breath.
  • causes stains on teeth that can’t be removed with regular brushing.
  • can cause a build up of tartar, which could require you to get more frequent dental cleanings.

Smoking Is Poison

12 meter long chemical tanker that looks like a cigarette was created by Cancer Research UK to highlight the toxic smoke in cigarettes   12 meter long chemical tanker that looks like a cigarette was created by Cancer Research UK to highlight the toxic smoke in cigarettes.

Passive Smoking Kills

  Every year nearly 3,400 people die in UK from LUNG CANCER caused by passive smokingEvery year nearly 3,400 people die in UK from lung cancer caused by passive smoking

The Smoker’s Lung

  The smokers glass lung was installed in front of public buildings in Germany to encourage people to quit smoking.The smoker’s glass lung was installed in front of public buildings in Germany to encourage people to quit smoking.

Tobacco Related Deaths

  Terrorism-related deaths since 2001: 11,377. Tobacco-related deaths since 2001: 30,000,000.Terrorism-related deaths since 2001: 11,377. Tobacco-related deaths since 2001: 30,000,000.

World No Tobacco Day

  No Tobacco Day is observed around the world every year on May 31No Tobacco Day is observed around the world every year on May 31.

Smoking Crime Scene
Smoking Crime Scene

Second Hand Smoke

  Roy Castle LUNG cancer foundation reminds us that second hand smoke hospitalises 17,000 UK children a yearRoy Castle lung cancer foundation reminds us that second hand smoke hospitalises 17,000 UK children a year.

Anti-Smoking Stickers

  Stickers for quitsmoke.us were places on cars and around smoking areasStickers for quitsmoke.us were places on cars and around smoking areas

Smoking Causes Premature Aging

Smoking Causes Premature Aging

Smoker’s Morning

  Toothbrush made from cigarettes and toothpaste make from ash.Toothbrush made from cigarettes and toothpaste make from ash.

Slow Death

   Smoking causes slow and painful death. Quit now! Smoking causes slow and painful death. Quit now!

Effect of Smoking on Lungs

   Not an ad, but still a thought provoking image by Sancho Hemelsoen. Not an ad, but still a thought provoking image by Sancho Hemelsoen.

Cigarette Lipstick

  Think it makes you pretty? Clever advertisement from Moscow.Think it makes you pretty? Clever advertisement from Moscow.

Anti-Smoking Billboard

  Anti-Smoking BillboardUsing 15,000 cigarettes butts, glued together one by one in an outdoor panel, the Peruvian League of fight against cancer demonstrated the damage that a person who smokes causes to his family.

Marlboro .44 MagnumMarlboro .44 Magnum

Fight Smoking Punching Bag

  Exercise is a great way to control the urge to smoke. Go on knock that cigarette out.Exercise is a great way to control the urge to smoke. Go on knock that cigarette out.

Weapons of Mass Destruction

   The text is written with systematic arrangement of cigarettes The text is written with systematic arrangement of cigarettes

If these ads have not tempted you to quit smoking, then perhaps you should also know that non smokers get much cheaper life insurance quotes.


Cigarettes and Cigars
Cigarettes and cigars contain several toxins associated with cancer. Not inhaling does not decrease your risk for dental problems.

Smokeless Tobacco
Did you know that more nicotine is found in dip and chew than cigarettes? Smokeless tobacco products also contain the harmful toxins associated with cancer. According to the American Dental Association, “at least 28 cancer-causing chemicals have been identified in smokeless tobacco products.”

Hookah Water Pipes
Hookah water pipe smoking has become popular in some areas lately. Unfortunately, the water in the pipes does not filter out all of the harmful toxins.


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