Food & Nutrition

Greenhouse gas cuts crops’ nutrition
Feb 24 05

A Chinese soil scientist has warned that rises in global carbon dioxide emission may make grain less nutritious - the protein level in cereal,… Greenhouse gas cuts crops’ nutrition   


General Mills says will continue marketing to kids
Feb 22 05

General Mills Inc., maker of Cheerios cereal and Pillsbury cinnamon rolls, does not plan to stop marketing to children, even as concerns about… General Mills says will continue marketing to kids   


Component of green tea protects injured livers in mice
Feb 20 05

A new study investigating the effects of the major flavonoid component of green tea on hepatic steatosis (fatty liver) found that it significantly protected… Component of green tea protects injured livers in mice   


Canadian beef entered U.S. due to lax oversight -USDA
Feb 17 05

Lax oversight by the U.S. Agriculture Department and confused food safety inspectors were to blame for imports of 42,000 pounds of Canadian beef products… Canadian beef entered U.S. due to lax oversight -USDA   


Study Suggests Java May Ward Off Liver Cancer
Feb 16 05

Coffee can give you a kick on a cold morning, and it’s a great donut companion. Now researchers say a cup of joe may… Study Suggests Java May Ward Off Liver Cancer   


U.S. herbal supplement leveling off
Feb 15 05

The surge in herbal supplement use in the U.S. may reached a plateau, but the love affair is not over, according to a… U.S. herbal supplement leveling off   


Banking On Breast Milk
Feb 09 05

It’s a drink so beneficial that its claims include protection against infections and allergies, and even the possibility of making you smarter.

In a… Banking On Breast Milk   


California wine country considers biotech ban
Feb 07 05

A measure to ban genetically modified crops in the heart of California’s wine country has qualified for a local ballot, officials said on Friday.

California wine country considers biotech ban   

Soy may not pack a strong antioxidant punch
Feb 02 05

Soy may not be the antioxidant powerhouse that some research has suggested, according to a new study.

Researchers found that 6 weeks on a… Soy may not pack a strong antioxidant punch   


Too much fluoride in iced tea sickens woman
Feb 01 05

A woman developed painful, weak bones after drinking gallons of instant iced tea every day for years, which filled her body with harmful levels… Too much fluoride in iced tea sickens woman   


Mad cow measures protect human food chain
Jan 28 05

Current measures to prevent meat from animals infected with mad cow disease from entering the human food chain are effective, scientists said on Thursday.

Mad cow measures protect human food chain   

Lean couch potatoes get up more, sit less
Jan 27 05

Among those inclined to be sedentary, lean ‘couch potatoes’ apparently move and stand more during the day - and sit for around two hours… Lean couch potatoes get up more, sit less   


Musk fragrances may break down cells’ defenses
Jan 21 05

The synthetic musks that give a pleasing scent to perfumes and soaps enhance the effect of toxins on the cells of mussels - raising… Musk fragrances may break down cells’ defenses   


Tea extract more benefit than the brew
Jan 20 05

A green tea extract may pack a stronger antioxidant punch than the beverage itself does, new research suggests.

The findings, say the study authors,… Tea extract more benefit than the brew   


Chamomile tea may help beat colds, cramps
Jan 17 05

Tea drinkers, rejoice: new research supports claims that chamomile tea can protect the body from a host of ills, including colds and menstrual cramps.

Chamomile tea may help beat colds, cramps   

Federal nutritional guidelines reshaped
Jan 13 05

Look at a plate. Imagine fruits and vegetables filling half of it.

That’s right. Half of the plate for every meal. Half of the… Federal nutritional guidelines reshaped   


Tanners have higher vitamin D levels, bone mass
Jan 05 05

People who try to stay bronze with the help of a tanning bed tend to have higher blood levels of vitamin D than those… Tanners have higher vitamin D levels, bone mass   


Fruits, veggies lower kids’ blood pressure
Jan 05 05

Preschoolers who eat the recommended four servings of fruits and vegetables - along with two servings of dairy products - each day may have… Fruits, veggies lower kids’ blood pressure   


Light alcohol use doesn’t raise stroke risk
Jan 04 05

New findings from a large study suggest that drinking up to two alcoholic beverages a day does not significantly increase the risk of stroke.

Light alcohol use doesn’t raise stroke risk   

Today’s produce may contain fewer nutrients
Dec 14 04

Compared to 50 years ago, today’s fruits and vegetables carry smaller amounts of some key nutrients, including protein, calcium and vitamin C, according to… Today’s produce may contain fewer nutrients   


Does Chocolate Qualify as a Health Food?
Dec 12 04

It’s the news we’ve all been waiting for - chocolate is a healthy snack. Or so one candy company says.

This holiday season, Bissinger’s… Does Chocolate Qualify as a Health Food?   


Eat your fruit and vegetables—get a prize
Dec 12 04

If a healthy heart and smaller waistline aren’t incentive enough for kids to eat healthful foods, maybe a bracelet or key chain will do… Eat your fruit and vegetables—get a prize   


UN report sees some hope within hunger tragedy
Dec 08 04

The world is making scant progress toward an aim of halving the number of hungry people by 2015, but could still succeed if efforts… UN report sees some hope within hunger tragedy   


Thompson says more money needed for U.S. food safety
Dec 06 04

Outgoing Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson on Monday said he was “still not comfortable” about the safety of the U.S. food… Thompson says more money needed for U.S. food safety   


Tomato juice could reduce heart disease risk
Nov 25 04

Drinking tomato juice on a daily basis can reduce the risk of heart disease in people with Type 2 diabetes, scientists from the University… Tomato juice could reduce heart disease risk   

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