Children's Health

Pilot Study Finds Wireless Guessing Game Motivates Children with Type 1 Diabetes to Improve Blood Gl
Oct 26 04

What can a guessing game played on a wireless hand-held device do for diabetes management? A lot, according to a pilot study led by… Pilot Study Finds Wireless Guessing Game Motivates Children with Type 1 Diabetes to Improve Blood Gl   


Physical fitness helps kids’ minds, too
Oct 25 04

The most physically fit group of third-, fourth- and fifth-graders tend to score highest on an academic test known as the Illinois Standard… Physical fitness helps kids’ minds, too   


More than gym class, after-school sports help boys
Oct 18 04

Young boys seem to reap many more fitness benefits from joining an extracurricular soccer team than from standard gym classes, new research indicates.

Spanish… More than gym class, after-school sports help boys   


Baby euthanasia stirs heated debate
Oct 16 04

Four times in recent months, Dutch doctors have administered lethal doses of drugs to newborns they believe are terminally ill, setting off a new… Baby euthanasia stirs heated debate   


U.N. health body warns against “kitchen killer”
Oct 15 04

Some 1.6 million people, mainly small children, die each year from a “kitchen killer” - disease brought on by inhaling smoke from cooking stoves… U.N. health body warns against “kitchen killer”   


Growth hormone may help children with heart failure
Oct 14 04

Although it’s rare, children can develop heart enlargement and heart failure, which ultimately makes a heart transplant necessary. Now, researchers report that treatment with… Growth hormone may help children with heart failure   


High blood pressure may be set early in life
Oct 13 04

Parents’ lifestyle choices may help determine their children’s blood pressure, even before their kids are born, a new study suggests.

UK and Australian researchers… High blood pressure may be set early in life   


Metabolic syndrome common in teens
Oct 12 04

Nearly one third of overweight or obese teenagers have the metabolic syndrome, a cluster of disorders that raise the risk of developing heart disease… Metabolic syndrome common in teens   


Habitual snoring common in kids
Oct 11 04

Snoring “frequently or always” is common among school-age children, new findings show.

Moreover, habitual snoring is strongly associated with emotional and behavioral problems and… Habitual snoring common in kids   


Toy-related lead poisoning points to hidden danger
Oct 07 04

The case of a child who suffered lead poisoning after swallowing a toy pendant should serve as a warning that the toxic metal can… Toy-related lead poisoning points to hidden danger   


Parents strongly influence teens’ drinking
Oct 06 04

Parents who supply alcohol for their teenagers’ parties may be encouraging their children to binge drink when no adult is watching, a new study… Parents strongly influence teens’ drinking   


Inactive kids at risk for chronic fatigue later
Oct 06 04

Children who have the most sedentary lifestyles appear to be at greatest risk of developing chronic fatigue syndrome, or myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME), in later… Inactive kids at risk for chronic fatigue later   


Tiny preemies may have mental problems later
Oct 05 04

Young adults who were born at a very low weight may have a higher-than-average rate of some psychological problems, a new study suggests.

Researchers… Tiny preemies may have mental problems later   


Mom’s solvent exposure may affect kids’ development
Oct 04 04

Children whose mothers worked with organic solvents during pregnancy may be at increased risk of subtle deficits in memory, attention and language skills, a… Mom’s solvent exposure may affect kids’ development   


Childhood obesity a national crisis
Sep 30 04

America’s children are fat and getting fatter, and parents, schools, the government, advertisers and the food industry all need to make changes to battle… Childhood obesity a national crisis   


Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids
Sep 17 04

There have been widespread concerns that mercury-based preservatives used in vaccines might impair the neurological development of children, but the opposite seems to be… Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids   


Teens often don’t outgrow problem drinking
Sep 17 04

Teenagers who drink regularly or binge drink occasionally often continue the harmful habit into their 30s, new research reports.

U.S. investigators found that teenagers… Teens often don’t outgrow problem drinking   


Pneumo vaccination cuts kids’ hospital visits
Sep 16 04

Giving young children the pneumococcal vaccine Prevnar has had a significant impact on pneumococcal diseases, such as pneumonia and middle ear infections, researchers report.

Pneumo vaccination cuts kids’ hospital visits   

With dying kids, parents find truth is best
Sep 15 04

If you were the parent of a child with a terminal illness, would you talk to him or her about dying? New research reported… With dying kids, parents find truth is best   


Study identifies risk factors for kids’ snoring
Sep 13 04

A range of factors, from obesity to frequent infections, may promote chronic snoring in children, a study of German schoolchildren suggests.

Researchers found that… Study identifies risk factors for kids’ snoring   


Chickenpox vaccine saves millions in hospital costs
Sep 10 04

The recommendation by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in 1995 that all children in the US be given the chickenpox vaccine seems to… Chickenpox vaccine saves millions in hospital costs   


Preemies can have adjustment problems as teenagers
Sep 09 04

Children born very prematurely continue to have emotional, attentional and social problems during their teen years, according to the results of a UK study.

Preemies can have adjustment problems as teenagers   

Botox helps children with cerebral palsy
Sep 08 04

Children with cerebral palsy often suffer from uncontrolled drooling, but this can be reduced with an injection of Botox, researchers report

They also found… Botox helps children with cerebral palsy   


Dry-on nontoxic lotion suffocates head lice
Sep 07 04

A dermatologist in Menlo Park, California, has developed a treatment for head lice that does not use toxic chemicals, and doesn’t require nit removal.… Dry-on nontoxic lotion suffocates head lice   


Kids with fetal alcohol syndrome need stable homes
Sep 06 04

Children born with fetal alcohol syndrome are less likely to get in trouble with the law or to have behavioral problems in later years… Kids with fetal alcohol syndrome need stable homes   

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