Great Tips To Lose Weight

Need some help with your weight loss? Below are some great weight loss tips to help you that extra bit; these weight loss tips offers pointers for practical, effective weight loss tactics. Tips include healthy eating advice, support, exercise, preparation of food and much more. Enjoy!

Tip #1
To make a delicious low fat mayonnaise simply combine one teaspoon Dijon mustard or one teaspoon satay sauce with low fat yoghurt.

Tip #2
Avoid skipping meals. Eating increases your metabolism, thus skipping meals can trick your body into slowing down its metabolism in an attempt to conserve calories during a period it perceives as a situation where limited fuel is available.

Tip #3
Stuffing vegetables such as capsicum and zucchini with tasty fillings of mince chicken, meat or tuna are easy to do and very healthy and low fat.

Tip #4
Pita bread roll ups or wraps with salad fillings, are great for picnics, school lunches or to take to work.

Tip #5
Exercise, exercise, exercise! Exercise increases your metabolism and burning off excess fat. When is the best time to exercise? Our metabolism slows down about 8 hours after we wake up, so 30 minutes of exercise in the evening, before dinner will increase your metabolism for about two to three more hours just when it was starting to slow down. This produces a significant increase in fat burned off, even after the exercise is over.

Tip #6
Adding alfalfa or mung beans to your salad brings in extra iron.

Tip #7
Good cooking and healthy eating begins with learning about nutrition and how to prepare healthy recipes.

Tip #8
Plan the week’s family menus in advance and just purchase those ingredients at a once weekly shopping trip.

Tip #9
Be positive! The more you feel good about yourself the easier and faster it is to lose weight.

Tip #10
Learn how to make favourite family recipes by cutting out fats, salt and sugar. Substitute non fat yoghurt for cream, stir fry minus oil and use herbs and spices instead of salt for flavour.

Tip #11
Consult your doctor before beginning an exercise or weight loss programme.

Tip #12
Eat slowly and chew each bite completely to decrease your appetite.

Tip #13
Eat three small meals and two snacks daily instead of two or three huge meals.

Tip #14
It’s a myth that you need oil to stir fry! Use chicken stock instead and cut down on hidden fat.

Tip #15
There is more fat in a plate of toasted muesli than a plate of bacon and eggs! Purchase non-toasted muesli instead.

Tip #16
Avoid removing the skins of fruits and vegetables — most of the nutrients are concentrated just under the skin.

Tip #17
Hot water with a squeeze of lemon before breakfast gets the metabolism going for the day, helps prevent constipation and is excellent for the skin.
The best source of vegetable protein is from soya beans or tofu. All legumes provide some protein, so include lentils, lima beans etc. into casseroles and soups.

Tip #19
Find a weight loss buddy club or support group. This will help you stay with your weight loss programme.

Tip #20
Though difficult, try not eating three hours or more before bed time.

Tip #21
I cut up a whole watermelon and leave it in the fridge to snack on over a few days. It is sweet, juicy, yummy and filling. It really has helped me because when I go to the fridge looking for something when I see the watermelon it stops me having something more calorie laden. Have it handy so that it is just as easy to eat as a biscuit or whatever makes the world of difference. Eating at night time is my downfall too. I must eat at night so I allow for it in my daily eating. I have those 97% fat free rice crackers and/or fruit or air popped popcorn. For me I must   eat at night time. I find I don’t sleep very well if I go from dinner time to breakfast without anything. Although we do eat dinner very early (around 5.30) because we like to eat with the kids. I think it is best to know your weaknesses and try to work around them.

Courtesy Healthy Weight Forum

Provided by ArmMed Media