Table 70-8 Key history-taking suggestions

Timing of onset of cross-gender feelings
Onset of first cross-gender experience with clothing, jewelry, cosmetics, etc.
Cross-dressing frequencies and their contexts
Masturbation frequencies, techniques, rates of orgasm, when cross-dressed and when not cross-dressed, partner involvement
Gender of self in erotic fantasies
Gender role expression in society
Conscious awareness of gender identity development
Attitude toward genitals and erotophobic or homophobic concerns
Severity, intensity, and duration of a patient's gender identity condition and dysphoria
History of illicit or prescribed cross-sex hormone use
Position when urinating (standing or sitting)
Sexual experience (homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, based on psychological gender identity and not on anatomy)
Duration of "purges" (periods of time in which no cross-gender activities of any kind occurred)
Other persons who know about patient's condition and can provide collateral history